Inverter Use Cases

Real situations where the Inverter can streamline collaboration and coordination.

Inverter can be adapted for multiple use cases to fund an initiative, either collaboratively or for a workstream inside an organization:

  • Continuous Funding for Public Goods

    A community of contributors who are maintaining an open source code, or run an open research program can create a continuous funding channel to support their work through Inverter. The new funders can always join the funding, be aware of the funding needs of the projects based on their immediate milestones. The projects can continuously add future milestones and request new funding.

  • Co-Funding by Grant Programs

    Grant programs that are focused on similar areas of funding, e.g. climate focused ReFi projects or Bonding Curve & AMM research, can co-fund and collectively pool the total funding amount necessary for a working group to deliver their work.

  • Funding a DAO Workstream

    DAOs can provide quarterly funding to their work streams through the same milestone structure, where the milestones are structured as a set of monthly activities committed to be delivered by a work stream. In addition to bringing more transparency and accountability to work stream funding, Inverter gives DAOs the ability to withdraw funding and avoid extra losses if a supported work stream is delivering below expectations.

  • Incubating Community Projects

    Investment DAOs, or incubation communities that fund new projects through their governance, can use Proposal Inverter to create more structured proposal processes for the applicants with built-in accountability mechanisms enabled by milestone-based funding. Moreover, the milestone based dripping of funds gives the community an opportunity to withdraw funding from projects which are delivering below expectations.

  • Grassroots Projects/NGOs With Inverter, NGOs and Grassroots projects can securely receive funding with cryptocurrencies. Thanks to milestone-based funding, they can continuously share their achievement with their funders/donors, and donors can be confident about the maximum possible impact! Also, the NGOs/Grasroot projects will develop their portfolio of achievements in their profile to signal more trust for future activities.

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